Marriage Visa (Entry Clearance)

Apply for a UK Marriage Visa (Entry Clearance)


Marriage visas are a category that falls under Appendix FM of the rules, and enable an applicant to be granted entry clearance to come to the UK with / or to join their spouse who is EITHER a British Citizen or Indefinite leave.


  • You are over 18 and of good character
  • You are married to a British Citizen or civil partnership
  • The marriage/ Civil partnership is valid and recognised in UK Law
  • Your SPOUSE meets the maintenance requirements under Appendix FM.
  • You/your spouse has suitable accommodation in the UK.
  • You intend to remain married/ In a Civil Partnership to your partner.
  • You are applying from OUTSIDE the UK

What visa will I receive?

  • Successful applicants are granted two and a half years to come to the UK. 
  • Applicants will have complete freedom to work or study in the UK.
  • After two and a half years, they can apply for a further two and a half years.
  • After a total of five years, they can apply for Indefinite leave to remain and immediately thereafter apply for British Citizenship.

Costs of the application (UKVI fees)

  • Immigration Surcharge fees – 2.5 times £624  (£1560)
  • UKVI Fees – £1523

How we can help

Marriage applications are highly complex, given the expanse of specific documentation most notably on regards to maintenance.

Visa INN has the expertise to ensure that the specific facts of the Marriage visa case are portrayed effectively and that the documentation meets EVERY aspect of the rules.

Request an Assessment
Looking for legal advice? Contact Allan and his team today for all visa and immigration issues.

Registered at the highest level (Level 3) by the OISC under Registration No F201100307
